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Contra Costa Workforce Development Board (WDB) (2011-Present): The quality of life in Contra Costa County is dependent on good jobs and economic development with businesses finding a supportive environment. Mike McGill was the longest-serving Chair of the Contra Costa County Workforce Development Board, serving as Chair for four years from 2013 to 2017. One focus was creating jobs on the Northern Waterfront and in East Contra Costa so that residents of the county would not have a long commute to find work. Mike McGill is now Chair of the Youth Committee.


The WDB is a business-led body whose members are appointed by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to provide their expertise to shape and strengthen local and regional workforce development efforts. The WDB brings together leaders from business, economic development, education, labor, community-based organizations and public agencies to align a variety of resources and organizations to enhance the competitiveness of the local workforce and support economic vitality in tour region.


East Bay Leadership Council (EBLC): Mike McGill is an award-winning Board Member of the East Bay Leadership Council and Past-Chair of the Land Use Task Force. The EBLC is a pubic policy advocacy organization with a mission to increase economic vitality and quality of life in East Bay. Mike McGill won the Outstanding Task Force Chair award for his contributions, which included recognition from Congressman George Miller, State Senator Mark DeSaulnier, Assembly members Susan Bonilla, Jim Frazier, Joan Buchanan and Nancy Skinner and Supervisor Mary Piepho. 


Los Medanos Community College Foundation (1997-Present): Mike McGill is a Founding Member and Past President (2014-2018) of the LMC Foundation. Since its formation in 1997, LMC Foundation has been committed to helping build a pathway for LMC students to fulfill their dreams by raising and allocating critical financial support for educational and career technical training programs, teaching facilities and student scholarships. 


EC2: The Collaborative: Mike McGill is Co-Founder and Member of EC2: The Collaborative, a group of business persons and other citizens partnering with local government to improve economic prosperity and the quality of life in East Contra Costa. This is an effort to improve the jobs-housing balance in Contra Costa County and improve transportation by developing jobs in East Contra Costa County and along the Northern Waterfront. Mike McGill won the Antioch Chamber of Commerce Chairman's Award for outstanding leadership.


BART Measure RR Bond Oversight Committee: Mike McGill serves as Chairperson of the BART Measure RR Bond Oversight Committee, a committee appointed formed to oversee that the monies from Measure RR are spent as promised



Contra Costa Taxpayers Association (CoCoTax): Mike McGill is an Executive Board Member and Past President (2012-2015) of CoCoTax. Founded in 1937, CoCoTax leads the way in providing fiscal oversight of local government; actively resisting unwarranted taxes and fees, discriminatory regulations, ill-advised public expenditures and government secrecy, inefficiency and waste in government by challenging government at all levels to be accountable, responsive, efficient and fair and to deliver optimal value for every tax dollar. CoCoTax supports responsible ballot initiatives and measures; opposes those that are deemed wasteful or lacking responsible oversight and participates in oversight committees.


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